E-Shop entry  |  AdorePen Newsletter 2021 


PSI 2016 - More exhibitors, more visitors, more internationality
was the title of the closing report of PSI 2016. That ballpoint pens are still the most popular promotional items we from Adorepen can also confirm, as a first time exhibitor on the fair, with more than 200 registered contacts from all over Europe.

The winner of a weekend in Prague, with tickets to the Prague spring music festival is Mrs. Storch from the agency Storch und Storch from Feldkirchen, Germany. Congratulations to the winner. We wish her a pleasant time and an exquisite musical experience in the golden city of Prague.


Pen of the month



Did you know?

... that the Webshop of AdorePen is offering a calculator, which will help you get a quick overview for the prices of products and services. You can get the final price for your inquiry in less than a minute. Just a few clicks. You can compare variations of prices for different technologies, quantities and versions.



Adore s.r.o., Nedokončená 363, 102 00 Praha 10, www.adorepen.eu

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